Laura Phillips


Answering your top ProperPlan questions

Answer your questions about ProperPlan

ProperPlan founder and CEO, Laura Phillips, is here to answer all of your questions about ProperPlan ahead of our launch in May.

ProperPlan vs Project Management Tools – What Makes Us Different?

Some people called us crazy when we said we were bringing a new project management tool to a marketplace of thousands that already exist. But the truth is, it’s not a case of ProperPlan vs project management tools because ProperPlan is not really a project planning tool in the traditional sense.

Staying on track with your goals – use our Weekly Success Sync ritual

Want to stay on track with your goals consistently? Discover the transformative power of the Weekly Success Sync. This essential ritual aligns your actions with goals to keep you on track and focused on the things that will actually move the needle.

ProperPlan update – December 2023

Laura here again, ProperPlan CEO and founder, with another monthly update. As we step into the bright beginnings of an exciting new year ahead, it’s time to take a quick pause and reflect on December’s journey—a month filled not just with festive cheer but with more significant milestones for ProperPlan.

Proper good things happen to those who plan                               

take action.